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CDS About Us

The department of Communication Disorders Sciences was established in 2003, offering a clinical training program in communication disorders at a bachelors level. The curriculum is designed to provide students with a solid foundation in the normal processes of speech, language and hearing, as well as a good foundation in communication disorders. The program prepares students for the clinical setting, introducing clinical courses in the diagnosis, evaluation and treatment of various communication disorders across all age groups. The program also offers field training exercises off campus in selected specialized centers at clinics, hospitals, public and private schools, and special education schools.

Graduates who obtain a Bachelor of Science in Communication Disorders have the ability to:

-Provide effective identification, evaluation, intervention, and clinical services that can improve the quality of life of individuals with communication disorders such as language impairment, voice disorders, difficulties in articulation, fluency disorders (stuttering), hearing loss and swallowing difficulties whether developmental or acquired from brain injuries.
-Promote public awareness of the speech and language therapy profession by supporting and developing services that fulfil any unmet communication needs in Kuwaiti society.
-Work towards prevention and early identification of communication disorders by designing and implementing awareness and education campaigns for parents, teachers, health professionals and caregivers.
-Counsel and train individuals with hearing, speech and/or language impairment and their families, teachers and employers to achieve optimal communication in educational, social and vocational settings.