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About The Department

About The Department 

The Department of Environmental Sciences was established to highlight the regional and global interest in resolving environmental challenges, preserving natural resources, identifying environmental risks, and reducing their adverse impact. Environmental science is considered an interdisciplinary field which focuses on understanding and addressing environmental issues to promote sustainability and conservation. The department aims to prepare a generation of environmental scientists specialized in issues such as climate change, pollution, biodiversity loss, resource depletion, and other local and global issues. In addition, our graduates will be able to develop and implement policies, strategies, and plans to manage natural resources, reduce environmental impact, and promote their conservation. Our curriculum is designed to provide the students with a strong cross-disciplinary education in environmental science, management, and policy.

Degree offered:

Bachelor of Science in Environmental Sciences.

Department Mission

Our mission is to build a better world by assisting communities in addressing complex problems at the crossroads of science, policy, and management. We promote sound decisions, just and healthy societies, and a sustainable environment through education and civic engagement.

The students will be equipped with the knowledge and skills to have a significant impact in diverse settings around the globe. The program teaches students the following topics:

   • Basic environmental sciences.

   • Environmental concepts and contemporary environmental issues.

   • Techniques used to protect the environment.

   • Environmental standards, requirements, and legislation.

   • Economic, social, and health aspects of environmental problems.

   • Environmental policies and decision-making.

   • Sustainable development and resource conservation.

   • Planning and evaluating environmental impact.

   • Principles of databases and environmental information systems.

   • Assessing environmental risks and dealing with emergencies.

  The department's mission focuses on preparing graduates with high qualifications and specifications such as:

   -A high degree of knowledge and skills in practical training to deal with contemporary environmental problems with a comprehensive view and a constructive vision.

   -The ability to understand, create, and make the right decisions regarding various issues.

   -The ability to implement general policies to protect the environment and conserve resources.

   -A self-learning desire.

   -A thorough knowledge of the available fields of work related to their specialty.

   -High professional work ethics

Learning Outcomes

1. Environmental problem Identification, Analysis and Solution: students will be able to identify and analyze environmental problems, determine their severity, and propose appropriate solutions. 

2. Environmental Knowledge and Application: students will acquire the scientific knowledge, technical skills, and practical applications to deal with a wide range of environmental challenges. 

3. Environmental Policy and Management: students will describe environmental settings and standards and verify compliance with rules and regulations for environmental protection. 

4. Global Awareness: Students will evaluate international and local environmental legislations, treaties, as well as recognize consequences of natural and technological disasters.   

Career Opportunities

The graduates of our Environmental Science Department have wide range of opportunities to progress in their career as 

  • Environmental Science Specialist
  • Risk and Environmental Impact and Planning Assessment Expert
  • Water, Air, Soils Quality Expert
  • Environmental Chemist
  • Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) officer.
  • Environmental Manager
  • Environmental Consultant
  • Environmental Technician
  • Environmental Health expert

Some of the employers of our graduate students are

  • Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research
  • Public Authority for Environment
  • Kuwait Municipality- Environmental Affairs
  • Ministry of Works –Laboratories
  • Public Authority for Agriculture and Fishery
  • KNPC
  • Kuwait Oil Company and other oil sectors companies
  • Ministry of Electricity and Water
  • Ministry of Health
  • Public Authority for Industry
  • Ministry of Housing
  • UN Environmental Committee
  • Ministry of Justice
  • Ministry of Planning
  • Kuwait Awqaf Public Foundation
  • Kuwait University
  • Central Statistical Bureau


The Department has well equipped laboratory facilities to give practical insights to our students 

Si NoLocationLabSeating CapacityComments
1S-3D-1008Environmental Management Research24chairs on 6 tables (each 2 table connected)
2S-3D-1014Environment Chemistry / Soils Lab24chairs on 6 tables (each 2 table connected)
3S-3D-1015Environment Chemistry / Soils Lab24chairs on 6 tables (each 2 table connected)
4S-3D-1016Environment Chemistry / Soils Lab24chairs on 6 tables (each 2 table connected)
5S-3D-1040General Chemistry Lab24chairs on 6 tables (each 2 table connected)
6S-3D-1041General Chemistry Lab24chairs on 6 tables (each 2 table connected)
7S-3D-1045General Chemistry Lab24chairs on 6 tables (each 2 table connected)
8S-3C-1025Eco-Toxicology Lab24chairs on 6 tables (each 2 table connected)
9S-3D-1023Air Lab16chairs on 4 tables(each 2 table connected)
10S-3D-1022Water / Marine Lab24chairs on 6 tables (each 2 table connected)
11S-3D-1020Water / Marine Lab24chairs on 6 tables (each 2 table connected)