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Comprehensive Examination

Comprehensive Examination Committee
Each non-thesis graduate student has to pass a written and oral examination. The examination must be so comprehensive as to reveal the extent of the student's preparation to pursue graduate studies in his/her field of specialization. In particular, it must show the student's capabilities with respect to synthesis, analysis, interpretation, application and discussion.

The Program Committee shall lay down clear written rules as well as a well-defined policy on comprehensive examination and inform the concerned students, about the following:

  1. Date, time, and place of holding the comprehensive examination.

  2. Clearly defined and written academic subject in which the students are to be examined.

The Comprehensive Examination may be conducted through the committees of oral examinations which are held for each course, provided that the area committee specifies the rules and regulations under which these examinations shall be held and attended, and the comprehensiveness in the field of specialization is taken into consideration.

The Comprehensive Examination Committee consists of at least three members of the academic program, appointed by the Dean of the College of Graduate Studies upon the recommendation of the program committee. The committee carries out the task of examining the students and delivering the results, using the form prepared for that purpose, to the program committee for submission to the College of Graduate Studies.

The student's grade in the Comprehensive Examination shall be "Pass" or "Fail".

A student who fails the examination for the first time must repeat it during the next semester. If the student fails for the second time, he/she is academically dismissed from the Program.

Some Important Information

1.     The following grading scale is used for evaluation of student's performance:

Percentage Range

Letter Grade


95-100A4.00 point
90-94A-3.67 point
87-89B+3.33 point
83-86B3.00 point
80-82B-2.67 point
75-79C+2.33 point
70-74C2.00 point
Less than 70%Fzero point

2.     The study load of a full-time student ranges between (9-15) credits during each semester.

3.     The study load of a part-time student ranges between (6-9) credits during each semester. In exceptional cases a student may, with the approval of both the program director and the College of Graduate Studies (CGS), register for less than the specified workload.

4.     An employed applicant should submit from the place of work a signed notification of joining the program.

5.     A student's final grade can be deferred and a grade of "Incomplete" (I) can be given due to reasons acceptable by the course instructor and approved by the program director. The student has to complete these requirements during the time specified by the CGS, or his/her grade for the course changes to "Fail" (F).

6.     A student who studies a course that continues for more than one semester (under semester system), is given a grade of "Continuing Course" (CC). The final grade is recorded only in the last semester of the course. At the end of this semester, it is not allowed to postpone the award of final grade. The course credits (if any) shall be used in computing the student's study load only once.

7.     A student who has registered for the thesis, is given a grade of "Satisfactory" (S), or "Unsatisfactory" (U), as long as his/her research is ongoing. The final grade [P/F] is not given until after thesis examination.

8.     A student is given one chance to repeat up to a maximum of 2 courses which she/he had previously studied and obtained a grade of B or less. It should be noted that the repetition of a course does not lead to the cancellation of the previously obtained grade. An average of both grades is calculated (See article 18 item 10, CGS by-laws).

9.     A student, who is caught cheating or attempting to cheat or helping others to cheat in the exam, will be considered to have failed in all courses registered during the semester in which the cheating occurred.

10.  If cheating is repeated, the student is academically dismissed from the CGC and the dismissal is indicated in his/her academic record.

11.  If it is confirmed that a student has done anything that violates examination regulations, s/he will be considered to have failed the course for which the examination was taking place when the violation occurred.


List of Forms

MSCIS student has to fill following forms at different stages as listed in below table. The required form can be download from college of graduate study URL ( or from the program director office.

The forms and their purpose

Non-Thesis Option

Thesis Option

AC/1PRequest to register for the Master’s project (Non-Thesis option)AC/1TRequest for Master’s Thesis registration
AC/2PProject research proposal and budget (Non-Thesis option)AC/2TThesis Research proposal and budget
AC/3Change of Supervisory Committee and change study options in Master’sAC/4TThesis Examination Committee
  AC/6TThesis Examination date
  AC/7TThesis Examination result
  AC/3FFTransfer of approved budget
  AC/8For Distributing final bound thesis
  AC/10Thesis Binding Allowance


AC/9Submitting custody items


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