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Master's Thesis

Supervision of Thesis
An academic supervisor shall be nominated for each Master's student who is required to prepare a thesis. The nomination should take place as soon as possible but not later than the end of the semester following the one in which the student was admitted. The supervisor's major field of specialization should be the same as that of the student. A co-supervisor whose major field of specialization or program is different from that of the student but related to the student's research, may be nominated.

The Program Committee submits its recommendation for the nomination of the main supervisor and co-supervisor (if any) to the College of Graduate Studies (CGS) for approval. The approval is based on satisfying the requirements stipulated by CGS. The student is supposed to have only one main supervisor. The addition of a co-supervisor should be justified and approved by the College of Graduate Studies after studying the matter.


Responsibilities of the Main Supervisor and Co-Supervisor
The main supervisor is primarily responsible for guiding the student through various stages leading to the preparation and submission of the thesis. These stages include selecting a research topic, formulating the research plan, registering for the thesis, conducting the actual research, and writing the thesis. Other responsibilities of the main supervisor are as follows:

  1. Accounting for any payments made for the student's thesis research, in accordance with the relevant guidelines and prescribed procedures.
  2. Conducting periodical evaluation of the student's research performance and thesis under preparation.
  3. Participating in the final evaluation of the student's thesis. The role and responsibilities of the co-supervisor are determined by the concerned Program Committee.

Evaluation of Thesis
All thesis prepared by Master's degree students at Kuwait University are evaluated by external referees. Details on the rules governing the evaluation process and the procedures that have to be followed, can be found in the booklet entitled "A Guide to Master's Thesis".


Thesis Examination Committee
The Thesis Examination Committee is formed according to article (24) of the CGS by-laws. In the case of resorting to voting in order to determine the result of the examination, the vote should be counted as follows:

  1. Supervisor or co-supervisor or both (one vote)
  2. The two faculty members in the major specialization of the student (one vote each)
  3. Report of the external referee (one vote)
  4. Report of the second external referee if resorted to (one vote).

In the case of equal number of votes on both sides, the opinion of the side which include the Committee Chairman shall prevail.


Guidelines for Thesis Writeup