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2019-2020 - Journal Papers Published or Accepted

Elmi, A., Jiao, Y., Benslim, H., Mawof, A.,Shiv O Prasher, S.O., Whalen, JK. Fertilizing with composted cattle manure to meet agro-environmental targets in continuous corn and corn-soybean agroecosystems in southern Quebec. Canadian J Soil Science (In Press).

Elmi, A., Meshari Al-Harbi, Mohamed F. Yassin, Mosaab M. Al-Awadhi. 2020. Modeling Gaseous Emissions and Dispersion of Two Major Greenhouse Gases from Landfill Sites in Arid Hot Environment. Environmental Science and Pollution Research: 28:15424–15434.

Elmi, A., Meshari Al-Harbi, Mohamed F. Yassin, Mosaab M. Al-Awadhi. 2020. Modeling Gaseous Emissions and Dispersion of Two Major Greenhouse Gases from Landfill Sites in Arid Hot Environment. Environmental Science and Pollution Research: 28:15424–15434.

Suleiman, MK., Islam, MA., Bhat, NR., Jacob, S., Rachel, R., Thomas, RR., Elmi, A. 2020. Effects of Salinity on Native Shrubs and -one near Extinct Tree Species of Kuwait: Potentials for Restoring Degraded Desert Ecosystem. Plant Biosystems

Mohamed F. Yassin, Nawaf S. Alhajeri, Abdirashid A. Elmi, Marium J. Malek, Musaed Shalash. 2021. Numerical simulation of gas dispersion from rooftop stacks on buildings in urban environments under changes in atmospheric thermal stability. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 193:22

Whalen, J.K., Benslim, H., Elm, A., Barry R. Husk, B.R. 2021. Earthworm populations are stable in temperate agricultural soils receiving wood-based biochar. Pedosphere 31: 398-404

Alolayan, M, Alsanad, A, Latifa I. Aljallal, L, Elmi, A. Municipal solid waste characteristics and segregation efficiency of in-house direct sampling in Kuwait. Int. J. Environment and Waste Management (In Press).

Elmi, A., Asma’a Al-Khaldy, Mohamed Alolayan. 2020. Sewage sludge land application: Balancing act between agronomic benefits and environmental concerns. Journal of Cleaner Production 250: 119512.

Elmi, A., Anderson, A.K., Albinali, A.S. 2019. Comparative study of conventional and organic vegetable produce quality and public perception in the state of Kuwait. Kuwait Journal of Science 46: 120-127.

Al-Sanad, Heavy metals in road-deposited sediments and pollution indices for different land activities.

Al-Sanad, Evaluation of the Indoor Air Quality in Governmental Oversight Supermarkets (Co-Ops) in Kuwait.

Jamal, E., Scott, D., Idris, A. & Lovegrove, G. (2019). Investigating factors affecting the mode choices of commuters in Kuwait City & surrounding urban areas: Strategies for a higher quality and more sustainable public transport system. Urban Development Issues. vol. 63, pp. 65–76.

Alshawaf, M., Poudineh, R. and Alhajeri, N.S., (2020). Solar PV in Kuwait: The effect of ambient temperature and sandstorms on output variability and uncertainty. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 134, p.110346.

Alhajeri, N. S., Dannoun, M., Alrashed, A., & Aly, A. Z. (2019). Environmental and Economic Impacts of Increased Utilization of Natural Gas in the Electric Power Generation Sector: Evaluating the Benefits and Trade-offs of Fuel Switching. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, (71), 102969.

Al-Fadhli, F. M., Alhajeri, N. S., Aly, A. Z., & Allen, D. T. (2019). The impact of power plant emission variability and fuel switching on the air quality of Kuwait. Science of The Total Environment, 672, 593-603.

Al-Huwaishel, A.S., Elmi, A., Mukhopadhyay. A. Aquifer Storage of Treated Wastewater for Subsequent Recovery as a Strategy for Sustainable Water Resources Management. Water Science and Technology – Water Supply (Accepted with major revision)