Tasks of Office of vice Dean for Academic Affairs, Research and High Studies
- Undertaking the tasks of everything related to the academic affairs of the college in terms of developing, coordinating, and supervising educational programs and activities at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels, and reviewing the evaluation of educational systems, programs, and practices for the purpose of developing them on an ongoing basis in coordination with the scientific departments.
- Supervise everything related to academic accreditation in coordination with the scientific departments.
- Planning and developing the college's needs of faculty members and auxiliary academic positions, in coordination with the scientific departments.
- Supervision of all affiliated organizational units.
- Supervise all activities related to the hiring of faculty members, renewal of contracts, sabbatical leaves, work assignments, performance evaluation.
- Supervising the preparation of the visiting professors plan for the college in coordination with the scientific departments and following up on its implementation.
- Work to activate and develop scientific exchange and relations with universities, scientific institutions, and research centers.
- Develop an annual plan for the scientific research that the college will carry out in coordination with the scientific departments and follow up on its implementation.
- Cooperation with research institutions and various sectors in the country that support scientific research.
- Assuming the presidency or membership of the relevant committees.
Organizational Architecture